This course is so easy to access. Often I buy courses and don't get round to viewing them for weeks, sometimes months. By then I have forgot the login details etc. This course is so easy to view being video. I have been listening on my daily dog walk, viewing whilst prepping dinner etc. The content is easy to digest, and Charlotte delivers it in a respectful, forgiving way. She covers so much information in 5 videos, she intertwines the movements into the viewing which really underpins the theory of the lesson. Lots of useable takeaways which you clients will love

I have goosebumps! Watching the first video of the pelvic floor and diaphragm working together makes so much sense, the way you demonstrated it I feel it is such a fair cost for this course, given the quality of information. Even after the first chapter where we see the video of the whole body breathing, that gave me goosebumps! I knew this was the course for me at this time, al your interesting facts, she knows what she’s talking about, definitely worth it & I didn’t know you before signing up but I’m so pleased I did. It’s great that I can watch it over and over, for my personal needs or for different clients. There’s SO much information here and it can definitely save a Pilates teachers and clients from pain of incorrect breathing, You are so helpful with my questions, thank you for people like you

“Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed this course. I’ve started an other course with Wim Hoff & your content was extremely inspiring and I am already using some of the exercises in my own lessons. Thank you so much for enlightening me to the importance and benefits of correct and different breathing methods”

“I have a client who has wanted specific breathing 1:1s as she wants to come off her steroid for asthma. I’ve been going through your course again and she’s loving our sessions. She felt really tight this morning and wanted to use her ventolin, by the end of our session all thought of using it went out the window. We did ball work, diaphragm activations, decompression techniques, focussing on the exhalation, specific stretches
The knowledge you’ve so kindly shared with us all is so hugely beneficial to so many so THANK YOU
Caroline x

Oh my goodness, what a hugely practical course, full of so many tips, techniques, tools, resources. I love being able to personalise my Pilates classes now, asking clients how they're feeling that day and being able to give them an energising breath, or if they're super tense a relaxation protocol.
It feels like i now have a toolbox that I can dip into, even with my corporate Pilates clients - they say to me, i've just gone into a very challenging conversation & I used one of your breathing protocols to prepare.
One of my clients was undergoing radiotherapy. She reported using one of the breathing techniques that we practise during Zen Pilates. Her radiotherapist even asked about the techniques she was using as they could see how well she mitigated a panic attack.
It's not just the Breathing, but I also enjoyed learning about the mindful movement & meditation aspect. I use the Breathing techniques all the time and my confidence is hugely improved now. I love using the breathing facts to pepper throughout my pilates lesson plans.
I like the way the course is presented in chapters so if I have a new client come to me for example with a pelvic floor issue, i can find the breathing exercises i need really easily.
You've been so helpful too, with all my questions and pointed me to the right section of the course. I've incorporated so much from this course into my teaching now, endless amounts, all the knowledge you shared about how our breath impacts our mind and body.
Laura Chandler, ZenergyActive

Just completed and WOW what a learning journey! I LOVE BREATHING! I didn't realise how Breathing was connected to so many parts of our body & I've absolutely loved learning about this aspect. So interesting and has really blown my mind. I have dedicated Sunday evenings to watching the videos and I am really enjoying it. I even love the positivity poses & the tai-chi influences.. I have SO many great ideas to have in the toolbox now. I have enjoyed the science/biology side to it and I come away reflecting on how incredible our bodies are.
Thank You for developing this course
Stevie Luna Meraki, Aerialist

I watched the first video & I am already really happy for getting the course. It is very useful! I understand better how and what I was stimulating during my own practice. Looking forward to watching the other videos. I like the fact that you are just filming and that it is raw, without the editing etc. Thank You
Feodor Buteyko Method Breathwork & Formula Life

Relaxation Workshop:
What a wonderful session, I was utterly fascinated by all the interesting body and breathing facts and for the first time ever, I felt connected to my lungs, which is a bizarre thing to say but true!
Rebecca Smith

“Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed this course. I’ve started an other course with Wim Hoff & your content was extremely inspiring and I am already using some of the exercises in my own lessons. Thank you so much for enlightening me to the importance and benefits of correct and different breathing methods”
Katia Hadaschik

Thank you for this fabulous relaxation workshop. It was totally fascinating - I learnt so much and felt amazingly chilled at the end. Normally, falling asleep in a workshop is a bad thing - but in this case, it's basically the ultimate compliment!
Eb Gargano

Hi Charlotte, I listened to lesson 1 while doing other things and have just listened again and taken notes. It’s fascinating and very clearly presented with lots of great videos. I was amazed by how much the other organs move with the breath. It was good to understand more fully the benefits of nasal breathing, particularly to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. I did sleep really well after doing the awareness exercises with the ball before bed last night! Thanks for your support and for creating this fantastic course Charlotte xx